Finding Hope in Times of Uncertainty: The Power of Divine Appointments

If you are struggling with your faith, feeling abandoned by God, or having a hard time seeing how He may be working in your life, this episode is for you!

As promised, this week I’m sharing with you the divine appointment that brought everything over the last seven and a half years or so full circle and literally had me crying in front of a church full of people because God is THAT good!

While I am a little late in sharing this story as these last couple of months have been a little chaotic and it does take some time to implement change as a work-from-home-mom, this message still holds so much value and truth when it comes to leaning into our faith during hard seasons.

I promise as I share my story with you, there will be insights and key takeaways that you can apply to your own life and experiences that will help you move one step closer to where you want to be.

So reheat that cup of coffee and join me for a powerful, faith-filled conversation on how God was working in my life, even when I didn’t know it!


Music Credit: Chase The Sun by Mark July

If you found something of value in today’s conversation, I know others will too!

Please leave a review, then share your favorite key takeaway on social and tag @faithfulsobermom to help other like-minded women find our community!


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Courtney Baron

Courtney Baron has been living a life free from alcohol since 2015 and is the founder of Revitalizing Hope and the Revitalizing Recovery movement. It is her vision to end social stigma within the recovery community by building a team of fearless leaders who are stepping out of their comfort zone to create change.

Welcome to The Faithful Sober Mom!