Welcome to The Faithful Sober Mom! (Trailer)

Music Credit: Chase The Sun by Mark July

If you are feeling all the things, whether it be stress, overwhelm, guilt, shame, or feeling lost, like you don’t have a sense of purpose or belonging outside of being a mom, you are in the right place!

I know firsthand that finding your path in life and in motherhood isn’t easy—especially when trying to do it sober, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Here on The Faithful Sober Mom podcast, you’ll find meaningful conversations that will help equip and empower you on your journey of growing in your faith and becoming who you were created to be, both inside and outside of motherhood.

So let me officially introduce myself, I am your host, Courtney Baron. I am an entrepreneur and work-from-home mom with over seven years of sobriety, here to help you take your power back, let go of who you used to be, and step into a life of purpose and meaning so that you can live a life truly free from alcohol and be the amazing, successful mom that I know you can be.

Join me each week for real, raw, and honest conversations where I share with you valuable tools and resources, practical tips, inspiring insights, and so much more that will leave you feeling uplifted and empowered to take on whatever life throws at you!

So grab your favorite coffee, tea, or beverage of choice, non-alcoholic of course, hit that subscribe button, join the Faithful Sober Mom Club, and let’s go through this journey together!


Courtney Baron

Courtney Baron has been living a life free from alcohol since 2015 and is the founder of Revitalizing Hope and the Revitalizing Recovery movement. It is her vision to end social stigma within the recovery community by building a team of fearless leaders who are stepping out of their comfort zone to create change.


Welcome to The Faithful Sober Mom!